Emily's Email Latest!

Hello Everyone..

Here is an E-mail Reminder about the meeting that will be this Thursday, at Gritman, in the second floor conference room at 5:30.

We will be electing officers so if anyone is interested in running for a position they should check out the requirements and write a short speech about why they think they will be good for that possition. 
We will also be going over the club planning outline. This will help us to determine the future path of the club and get some plans on paper. 
Lastly Tom will need a report from everyone that I assigned jobs to for the dinner/auction. 

Volunteer Opportunity

Volunteer Opportunity with Gritman Medical Center
Contact:  Debi Dockins 509 330 0576
Beginning:  Monday, November 30th, 2009, 10:00
Helping to load and unload a large U-Haul truck
Strong backs required!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Decorating for Gritman Fundraiser "Holiday Delights" at the Latah County Fairgrounds
Shifts to be established, but basically, beginning at 8:00 a.m. and ending around 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday, December 2, Thursday, December 3.
More of the same
Friday, December 4th.  Date of the event
Help REALLY needed first thing to set up the main entrance and coat check.
Done by noon
If you have offered to help DURING the event, all volunteers are still required to purchase a ticket.  Regular price is $25, workers pay $15.  The event is a wine tasting and silent auction.  We would like to have approximately six from Shandy's Sorority, and perhaps one or two Rotaractors.
Saturday, December 5th. 
Clean-up beginning at 8:00
Plan to be finished by noon
Request help to load and unload the U-Haul truck at the storage center.
If you are interested in helping, the Auxiliary will make a "donation" to Rotaract.  Please let me know if you are interested, and at what times you'd be available to help us!

Many thanks.
Debi Dockins, CAVS
Gritman Medical Center | Volunteer Services
Director | Customer Service Team Leader
208 883 6231 | 208 883 6369 Fax