Potato Selling!

In conjunction Matt and I (Jackie) are selling bags of potatoes.  The money goes to Moscow's Rotary, our Rotaract Club, and Polio Plus!  If you (as a member of Rotaract) would like to sell potatoes or buy, please contact us, all pertinent information is below!

Please help support
Rotary International and
ROTARACT Club of the Palouse
Rotaract is a Rotary-Sposored service club for young men and women ages 18 to 30.  Your local Rotaract club is based out of the University of Idaho and is supported by the Rotary clubs of both Moscow and Lewiston to cultivate the values of community, integrity, responsibility, and service within the young members of your community.

Potatoes are $25.00 a bag
Proceeds will go to Support Rotary International, Polio Plus, and ROTARACT Club of the Palouse.
Contact: Matthew Weibler 208.791.7821
Thank you!

Our District's Webpage

To stay connected to the Rotary Organization and our district, be sure to check out our districts webpage. Just another quick reminder that our District Governor is going to be at our next meeting, Thursday November 19th at 5:30 pm.  PLEASE plan on attending!

Rotaract Fundraising Activity

Shandy emailed us all on an opportunity to raise funds.  Please contact her if you can help! (208) 669-0026

Hello All!

I have signed our group up for a small fundraising opportunity. We will be manning the ASUI voting polls Tuesday from 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. I apologize that I didn't consult anyone about this opportunity, but it was first come first serve, which meant I needed to respond immediately or lose out. I chose Tuesday because it is the day I have the most dead time, which I figured would be needed considering this is short notice for everyone. We need at least one person at the booth at all times throughout the day, but if you would like company, bring a friend! If everyone could email me a time that they would be willing to help out I would really appreciate it. If everyone does a 2 hour time slot, the day will go by quickly. We make $100 dollars to sit and point people to the right direction, much easier than scrubbing cars. I have a schedule ready and will start inserting names as soon as I receive your emails. 

Chewy- Did anything ever happen with the Rotaract Shirts? This would be a great place to wear them!

Thank you,

Shandy Lam

Last Email Emily Update!

Hello Everyone!

I hope that everyone's weekend went swimmingly. :) And that in the cooler weather you have not all gotten sick.

This email is a reminder about the meeting that is scheduled for next week [Thursday the 19th]. This is a very important meeting. Everyone MUST attend. The District Governor will be there. I am E-mailing you now, so that you can get time off of work, and get out of other meetings in order to attend this meeting.

You will all be receiving another E-mail next week, as you usually do as a reminder for the meeting...

I will see each and every one of you at 5:30 next Thursday, November 19, at Gritman Hospital (room to be announced--as I am hoping to hear from someone who knows where the room is...Debbie? Tom?).

Have a Fantastic Evening! :D