Last Email Emily Update!

Hello Everyone!

I hope that everyone's weekend went swimmingly. :) And that in the cooler weather you have not all gotten sick.

This email is a reminder about the meeting that is scheduled for next week [Thursday the 19th]. This is a very important meeting. Everyone MUST attend. The District Governor will be there. I am E-mailing you now, so that you can get time off of work, and get out of other meetings in order to attend this meeting.

You will all be receiving another E-mail next week, as you usually do as a reminder for the meeting...

I will see each and every one of you at 5:30 next Thursday, November 19, at Gritman Hospital (room to be announced--as I am hoping to hear from someone who knows where the room is...Debbie? Tom?).

Have a Fantastic Evening! :D


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